HemataStat II™ Hematocrit Centrifuge

HemataStat II™ is a hematocrit centrifuge delivering quantitative readings for up to six blood samples from a single 60 second spin.

EKF Diagnostics’ HemataStat II™ is  a micro hematocrit centrifuge that provides a quantitative hematocrit reading for up to six blood samples from one 60 second spin.

HemataStat II™ is an ideal hematocrit centrifuge for point-of care and laboratory use in clinics and hospitals. Its compact size and the optional battery pack make it well suited for outreach programs and also for veterinary settings.

Easy measurements in 3 steps


1.  Collect capillary blood sample.

2.  Place the sealed tube into the centrifuge and spin for 60 sec.


3.  Results are displayed on screen.

  • Portable – Only 2 lbs in weight with an optional battery pack
  • Smart – Built-in tachometer with low RPM alert
  • Accurate – Compares to NCCLS reference method
  • Easy – Clear, disposable tube holders for safe and easy maintenance
  • Safe – High quality tube sealant reduces risk of leakages and blow-outs

The multi-lingual display provides easy to follow instructions to ensure accurate results every time.

The HemataStat II™ Hematocrit Centrifuge combines easy maintenance with a high degree of user safety, for example, heparinized ClearCrit™ tubes are used to collect the blood sample and are available in plastic, glass or Mylar® coated glass, designed for maximum user safety.

Ordering Information

Description Reference Number Pack Qty
HemataStat II™ centrifuge (USA model) 100-100 1 Each
HemataStat II™ centrifuge (Canada model) 100-153 1 Each
Description Reference Number Pack Qty
ClearCrit plastic tubes (1.1 mm I.D.) 270-106 5 vials of 200
ClearCrit plastic tubes (0.5 mm I.D.) 270-107 5 vials of 200
ClearCrit glass tubes –  Mylar wrapped (1.1 mm I.D.) 270-108 5 vials of 200
ClearCrit self sealing glass tubes –  Mylar wrapped (1.1 mm I.D.) 270-109 20 vials of 100
HemataChek controls (low) 300-105 6 vials of 2.5 mL
HemataChek controls (normal) 300-101 6 vials of 2.5 mL
HemataChek controls (high) 300-107 6 vials of 2.5 mL
HemataChek controls (low, normal, high) 300-102 6 vials of 2.5 mL
HemataChek controls (low, normal) 300-103 6 vials of 2.5 mL
HemataChek controls (normal, highl) 300-104 6 vials of 2.5 mL
Description Reference Number Pack Qty
Disposable transparent tube holders  230-100 1 box of 50
HemataSeal tube sealant  260-100 1 box of 10
Re-chargeable battery  280-104 1 each
Carrying case (holds two cetrifuges)  320-100 1 each
Training CD  320-108 1 each


Key Features

60 second spin time
Built-in reader
Small and lightweight
Whisper-quiet operation
CLIA waived


Spin speed – 5,670 – 6,390 RPM

Accuracy – +/- 0.5%

Correlation – Correlation coefficient is 0.9978

Weight – 907 g / 2 lbs

Centrifuge pack includes

Centrifuge, power supply, 10 disposable transparent tube holders, user guide and quick reference guide.

Frequently asked questions

The HemataStat II™ Hematocrit Centrifuge is accurate +/- 1% if the hematocrit is displayed in whole numbers, +/- 0.5% if the hematocrit is displayed with the decimal.  When compared to the NCCLS method, the correlation coefficient is 0.9978.

Yes. Ensure that the sample is well mixed first.

No. The HemataStat II™ Hematocrit Centrifuge results are not affected by air bubbles in the sample.

Most facilities use 1.1mm I.D. tubes. 0.5mm I.D. are generally used for pediatrics because of the smaller sample required.

A fully charged nickel metal hydride battery pack should provide greater than 75 spin cycles assuming that the time to read the tube is less than one minute and that the centrifuge is turned off when not in use.